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This page collects the New Frame archive.

New Frame was a not-for-profit journalism project that ran from 2018 to 2022. The project was unexpectedly closed after four years after funding was suddenly cut. You can read about the controversy hereherehereherehere and here.

This archival site has been put up by some of the ex-New Frame employees so that our progressive, pro-poor reporting can continue to find readers.

Note: the original New Frame site was deleted soon after the publication of an article in the New York Times that drew attention to the funder’s geopolitical propaganda interests. As the workers had no access to the website or story archives, we had to rebuild the website from scratch (with a lot of help from Jason Norwood-Young) using the Internet Archive to retrieve each story. Some of the images, unfortunately, were not stored in the archive and thus you may notice generic placeholders in multiple stories. We’re also still trying to get the podcasts working and there are numerous other small bugs. If you notice any, please let us know. You probably know how to get hold of us.